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Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

After Another SnowFall

When I emailed a friend yesterday and said we were having another storm I also wrote that I wasn't taking photos unless the sun was out very early this morning and everything looked pretty. But I slept in this morning so don't know about the sun or looking pretty. However I did take some photos around town mid morning.

New snow on an older not so pristine looking snow bank. As tired of winter as many folks seem to be we do agree that new snow "prettys up" the landscape.

There's the sidewalk plow which other years has been my nemesis as he seems to go by just as I've finished shoveling and am ready to back out the driveway.

The snow seems to be too heavy for the garland tied to the fence post.

I noticed there was a sign in the library window saying "Free Popcorn".

Shadow of me in my bulky winter coat as I scurry along snapping photos.

People out and about.

A signboard advertising hot pizza slices for sale until 4PM. Their pizza is delicious.

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