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Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

Around Fantasia Festival

We spend quite a bit of time waiting in line at Fantasia Fest. Since we go for a relatively short time (4 0r 5 days out of 20 plus days of movies shown ) we don't buy the special passes which are offered. This year I left my husband waiting and walked along the block where we wait in line. It's an interesting area as older buildings are mixed in with the newer Concordia University buildings.

Every year there's a great Fantasia Festival poster on a sandwich board.

Just up the street.

Street parking requires a purchased ticket. See the Fantasia Festival banner above the young lady's head.

Older building next to a newer Concordia building.

Another view.

Closer view. I think Concordia owns many of the older buildings too.

A local store, Le Frigo Vert. It's an interesting and fun area of Montreal.

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