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Jumat, 26 September 2008

Diana+ and Holga Abstracts

I loaded film into both my Diana+ and Holga cameras. Then I reopened and reclosed the cameras thinking my pictures would still look realistic. Who knows what I was thinking. However some of the photos turned out to be fun and funky.

I think this is an interesting photo. It looks like an abstract painting. I like how the film numbers show too. Holga. Fujichrome film which was cross processed.

Another Holga abstract photo. Fujichrome film which was cross processed.

The Diana+ is a reissue of an early 60's plastic camera. I bought the camera because it was orignally made in one of my favorite cities-Hong Kong. It's a little tricky to load and doesn't hold the film spool very well so I reopened it to adjust the film.....

Spooky cornfield with red light leaks. Diana+

Red light leaks with white. Diana+

Barn and clouds with red light leaks. Diana+

The end. Diana+

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