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Jumat, 26 September 2008

Diana+ and Holga Abstracts

I loaded film into both my Diana+ and Holga cameras. Then I reopened and reclosed the cameras thinking my pictures would still look realistic. Who knows what I was thinking. However some of the photos turned out to be fun and funky.

I think this is an interesting photo. It looks like an abstract painting. I like how the film numbers show too. Holga. Fujichrome film which was cross processed.

Another Holga abstract photo. Fujichrome film which was cross processed.

The Diana+ is a reissue of an early 60's plastic camera. I bought the camera because it was orignally made in one of my favorite cities-Hong Kong. It's a little tricky to load and doesn't hold the film spool very well so I reopened it to adjust the film.....

Spooky cornfield with red light leaks. Diana+

Red light leaks with white. Diana+

Barn and clouds with red light leaks. Diana+

The end. Diana+


26 Sep.: Victoria & Albert Friday Late special Fashion Photography, London
27 Sep. - 5 Oct. : Prêt-à-Porter Fashion Week, Paris
9-11 Oct.: Warsaw
15-19 Oct.: Iceland Airwaves, Reykjavik
19-21 Oct: Stockholm
22 Oct.: New Weekday opening, Gothenburg
23 Oct: Topshop opening, Warsaw

Rabu, 24 September 2008

Nighttime Reading

Random piles of books on my bedside table watched over by two cat buses from the movie MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO.

Books on the Nightstand is the blog and podcast of two friends of mine who work in publishing. Several times a year Ann and Michael who are Random House reps come to the bookstore where I work. In addition to selling books to our buyers they also preview books from the upcoming season for our staff. It's always a fun evening of books and pizza.

Recently they ran a contest, "Show Us Your Nightstand" asking people to send in pictures of books on their bedside tables. I had fun looking at the winners and their Grand Prize winner's bedside table even has notes on the photo. In case anyone is wondering I didn't enter as I felt it was a conflict of interest.

LONDON - on the street, soho + brick lane, 09/24/08