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Senin, 28 April 2008

Holga Impressions of Spring

When spring comes to this part of the country it does so so rapidly you can almost watch the buds become leaves, the rain green up the grass and the flowers appear. I captured previous springs with my digital camera. This year I decided to create an impression of spring rather than a realistic view. So it's spring in double exposures with blues enhanced by using ektachrome which I had cross processed when developed. The Holga is such a fun camera to use.

A double exposure of a field and traces of yes, snow.

Trees with the cemetery in the background.

At first I though there was dirt on my camera lense but it's D'AVIS not DAVIS and a beagle nose.

Topsy turvy cemetery view with a bunch of daffodils randomly planted in the woods.

Fractured view of the Stonebridge formerly an inn but now used by the town.

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