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Senin, 21 April 2008

Almost Spring - A Holga Photo Essay

Spring is late to arrive in this area of New England. Starting at the beginning of April I look for signs that soon, well realtively soon, the leaves and flowers will appear. First the snow melts, then there's mud, brown colors and other indicators that, yes, spring will be here in early May. In the meantime I take lots of pictures with my Holga.

A favorite trail is free of snow...... finally.

Signs glisten in the sunlight.

Spring must be close as the "Panorama Coach" is back on the road.

A rainstorm washes winter's sand and gravel off the street. The town looks so clean.

Spring wreaths appear on a church door.

Hooray, no snow on the road, fields or mountains.

The snow has melted along the stone wall too. Yeah, almost Spring.

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