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Rabu, 14 September 2011


’9/11 Wannabe’  WTC

Do you really know the heroes of 9/11 the men and women who rushed into the building risking themselves and their futures. The people who rushed in and tried to save as many as possible in the building. Many people died in the Twin Towers both victim and hero alike, as the towers were hit and fell. There weren’t just Americans who died but people who were from other countries who were caught in the disaster of the conflict of the terrorists of the time.
            When the Twin Towers were hit by jets from the surrounding area, it destroyed more than six floors on impact and burned several floors with the extra fuel alone incinerating it. The towers now both heavily damage swayed dangerously, during that time police officers, firefighters, and other units rushed in and up the floors to try to rescue the trapped and injured. As the process of evacuation was being rushed through both buildings eventually collapsed falling in on its self crushing almost all that were in it and trapping and injuring others. The planes did not just hit the Towers but the Parthenon and a field. When the plane hit a mostly unpopulated section of the Parthenon, luckily doing less damage by hitting one of the unpopulated sections of the Parthenon. Some of the victims were those aboard the jets, some of the most heroic bravery and sacrifices of the day was found aboard one of the jets. Flight 93, one of planes that was captured by a terrorist pilot who attempted to aim for some critical point among our nation, when suddenly four of the passengers rose up and fought back against the terrorists. After battling the pilot the four men regained control of the ship and successfully drove it away from its target. One of the heroes of those who fought back was called Jeremy Glick, who joined to change the direction away from any harm. They flew the plane away from Washington and after it became apparent that they had no way to land the plane down safely for them they soon realized that they had to make a decision. Later that same day Flight 93 crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania killing all passengers and the four brave souls who took hold of the craft. These men and people aboard sacrificed themselves to cause that the plane would not cause damage to anyone or anything thing important.
            These are the heroes of 9/11 and they deserve our respect and thanks and we should always cherish there great sacrifice for the possibility of saving the lives of their fellow men and country.

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