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Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Salton Sea - Bombay Beach - Late April

When I take photos away from my immediate area I usually use several Holga cameras and a digital camera. If something happens to the film I've shot I still have digital photos of my trip. Also it's fun to compare and contrast the different "realities" the cameras capture. Sometimes I take almost identical scenes with both cameras but didn't at the Salton Sea as there were several of us who took turns using the different cameras.

The entrance to Bombay Beach on the Salton Sea. So different from where I live.

These pictures are from the ocean side of the berm (I thought it was called a dike) which flooded and is abandoned. There is a community of people who live on the other side of the berm and I'm not putting up pictures of this side since Bombay Beach is the subject of thousands of internet photos I didn't want to intrude on them.

Making sure my cameras were ready to go.

Pelicans. The Sonny Bono Salton Sea National Wildlife Refuge is located at the south end of the sea. The sea attracts 375 bird species during the winter and is also a stopover for migrating birds.

The wood is bleached and dried out from the intense sun. A different look from abandoned/falling down buildings in New England.

Have we taken enough photos?

Used Polaroid film and a couple of eggs which shouldn't have been left as litter.

ItalicLeaving Bombay Beach.

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