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Sabtu, 12 September 2009

Holga Photos - Japan 2008

While looking for an appropriate "fear" photo for this week's Photo Friday I remembered a temple my daughter and I visited in Japan where our walk along an uphill stone path was a little spooky. We walked past a couple of deserted out buildings which were run down and covered with cobwebs; something I hadn't encountered before in tidy Japan.

I was looking for a particular photo I though I'd taken with my digital camera but couldn't find it. Then I looked through my Holga photos and didn't find it among them either. The photo I had in my mind seems not to exist so I used another one. However I did rediscovered some shots I hadn't liked much at the time I took them but a year and a half later I found I liked them.

The photos below were taken with fujichrome which I had cross processed. Some are very dark and I like them that way.

A bus on Okubo Dori almost in front of a shuttered shop. Tokyo.

White vehicles on a very dark street. There's an elevated train on the Chou Line in the middle of the picture. Tokyo.

Sun on an apartment building on a small side street in Kita-Shinjuku. The yellow van advertises Go Go Curry, a local chain. Tokyo.

Blue sky over a small cement older house in Kita-Shinjuku. Tokyo.

Wires, wires everywhere in this area of Tokyo.

More wires and an overhanging roof of a building. Tokyo

A run on and triple exposure photo of Osaka castle.

Apartment buildings and the grounds of Osaka Castle. Osaka.

Palm tress in this triple exposure taken between Osaka and Kyoto.

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