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Rabu, 13 Februari 2008

More on Holga and Digital Photos

February in Vermont has been overcast or raining or snowing on days when I have time to take pictures so I've been comparing Holga and digital photos again.

Holga. Taken from a top floor restaurant at the Tokyo Edo Museum. I held the camera against the glass and took the above photo. The buildings look like a model built for a Gozilla movie.

Digital. Taken at the same time and place as the above picture. Again I pressed the camera against the window. The photo doesn't have the dreamy quality of the Holga picture but the buildings still look like a model city to me. The sky looks more menacing in this picture.

Holga. A double exposure which has a layered and textured look to it. I took a shots at two difference places to create this effect. A digital camera doesn't take this type of double exposure.

Digital. I moved the camera as I took the picture to create a blurry kind of double exposure effect. Taken at dusk at the Shinshoji Temple in the Sugamo section of Tokyo. The figure of Jizo is one of the statues from the Edo (old Tokyo) Nakasendo Highway.

Digital & Photoshop. This is the second photo from my previous blog. I asked a friend for her comments on the differences between the Holga and digital picutres. Her comments," Here's a few of the differences... I made a new version of your digital one where I changed the contrast and saturation. Its obviously not an exact match - I wasnt really trying for that, but wanted to give visual illustration of what your holga (in its limitations) does to the contrast/color saturation. Also, if you look at the fence on the left hand side of the holga, you can see how the cheap lens bends the image (in a pleasing way). and the focus is a little softer in the holga (again, more pleasing/arty)."

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