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Kamis, 26 Maret 2009

Waiting for Spring - Holga

A friend who lives almost in the 'middle of nowhere' collects older Range Rovers which he fixes up. Usually at least one of them runs. I took some pictures of the cars and other things on his property which to me looked like they too were waiting for Spring.

This Range Rover is used for parts.

I didn't sit for long it was chilly even with the bright sunlight.

The back tire of the Range Rover I think works is frozen in the mud.

The John Deere Gator looks like it's waiting for Spring too.

Senin, 23 Maret 2009

LONDON - tottenham court road, 03/23/09


I'll be off to Reykjavik, Iceland from March 26th to 30th to attend my first Nordic Fashion Biennale! A celebration dedicated to fashion and jewelry from the West-Nordic nations: the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Iceland!

Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

Fie on Winter Weather - Enough

Sunny warm weather. Yes, the weather today was sunny and warm with blue skies. Fie on anymore winter weather. We usually have one or perhaps two more snow storms this time of year. However the snow is wet and heavy doesn't stay for more than a day then we're ready for warmer more spring like weather. We call this in between season mud season.

I sometimes take self portraits in different weather conditions and places so I'm putting up some of me in my winter coat as a good-bye to winter weather.

Mid winter photo taken with my Holga and cross processed.

Another winter photo taken with my Holga and cross processed.

Self portrait taken with my digital camera.