Kamis, 31 Juli 2008
Totoro Photo Shoot-Bookstore 1
Early morning at the bookstore. Lucky Totoros, they get to tour the store before it opens.
Looks like everyone is ready to go inside.
Wait a minute! Everyone off the sculpture and into the bookstore. Now!
Wow, not only books about Vermont but a calendar too. Do you think she'll buy a 2009 Vermont calendar rather than a Totoro one? Or maybe one for that McDull from Hong Kong. Totoros, I have spaces for more than one calendar, don't worry about it.
A table of sale books. Do you think we're in the "Century" one?
Hey, Totoros, that chair doesn't belong in the middle of the mystery section. Oh, you can see everything better by having it there.
Well you can see just as well from here.
Yummy, look at all the cookbooks. So many recipes to make. Didn't she say there was a cafe here? Much more fun to have someone else make food for us.
What a fun wheelbarrow! Do you think she'll push us around the store?
No, well maybe she'll let us have a garden? What, we have to plant it and take care of it....Let's see the other sections.
Hey, that flash is pretty bright. Guys what are you doing sitting here in the dark? Resting? We've only just started to look around. Okay, I'll turn on more lights while you have a short rest....to be continued.......
Rabu, 30 Juli 2008
Senin, 28 Juli 2008
Minggu, 27 Juli 2008
Holga Rutland Vermont
When I arrived at the photo shop where I have my pictures developed I discovered I had a few shots left on a couple of rolls of film. I randomly snapped some pictures and wasn't careful about advancing the film. Of course these photos are more interesting than I expected. Several overlap into the next frame and are all the better for it.
A fun double exposure of the steeple of Grace Congregational Church.
Double exposure of a Rutland parking lot. The beginning of the next photo is at the top of this one.
Houses in Rutland Vermont. Slide film cross processed.
Sweeny Todd's hair salon and the sign in the parking lot across the street. Double exposure.
Parking lot with yellow vehicle. Double exposure.
Flowers outside a window and the lawn from the next picture. Interesting effect.

Sabtu, 26 Juli 2008
Preparing for Totoro Photo Shoot Take Two
Our previous photo shoot outside on a very nice lawn ended in chaos. So for this shoot O-Totoro, Chu -Totoro, Chibi-Totoros, Mei, Cat Bus, and Makkuro Kurosuke climbed into the car for a drive to a more sedate location, the local bookstore.
Heads up everyone. Smile. What, Makkuro Kurosuke isn't in the car. Are you sure? Look around he's the same color as the seat of the car.
There he is on the top of Mei's mushroom. What, he's small Makkuro Kurosuke. The Makkuro Kurosuke you're talking about is bigger. O-Totoro, are you sure?

All you found was the beret McDull wants you to wear since I wouldn't let him come along with us. I know, I promised him the next photo shoot he'll be the star. What? you all won't come along then. Let's talk about this later.
Quick, close the car door. Phew, just in time! I see McDull, Fai and the Zodiac McDulls and McMugs coming this way.
Don't worry O-Totoro we'll soon be on our way. No, you don't have to wear the McDull Beret for the photo shoot. It's really a shower cap anyway. Yes, I'll get Makkuro Kurosuke from the house. Then off to the bookstore.
All you found was the beret McDull wants you to wear since I wouldn't let him come along with us. I know, I promised him the next photo shoot he'll be the star. What? you all won't come along then. Let's talk about this later.
Holga Montreal -Double Exposures
On a recent visit to Montreal I took so many photos that this is just of first of several photo essays about this wonderful city. Today I'm putting up a few double exposures that caught my attention as I looked through my pictures. We've visited Montreal for many years and usually stay in the same hotel near Chinatown so that's where many of the photos were taken. I took these photos early on a Saturday morning as there is little traffic then so I could stand in the middle of the street and take pictures without being run over.

The arch over Blvd St Laurant on the corner of Rene Levesque is the entry way to Montreal's Chinatown.
Offices and apartments adjacent to Chinatown.
Old buildings in the block east of Chinatown are being refurbished. This one is pretty fancy.
As are buildings just to the west of Chinatown. Not fancy just refurbished.

The arch over Blvd St Laurant on the corner of Rene Levesque is the entry way to Montreal's Chinatown.

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