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Kamis, 27 Desember 2007

Winter and Snow Double Exposures

Double Exposures are fun to take with a Holga as one is never sure how the photos will come out. I decided to use the snow as a background and then take another shot and see what resulted. I like how the snow created a more subtle double exposure than in the 'Rectory in the Creche' photo.

Tree over snow.

The snow gives the town a dreamlike quality.

The snow adds texture to the picture.

The brown structure is a creche for the nativity figures. The rectory looks like its crashed the creche.

I took a picture then turned the camera upside down and snapped another shot. Looks like birch tree roots.

Senin, 17 Desember 2007

Weird Photos and Creepy Places

Weird double exposures and dark pictures are two surprises I've encountered when using a Holga camera. But just as creepy are the pictures of the house in Tokyo I took with a digital camera.

What happened to my dog? Is this his ghost or just a weird double exposure.

We called this the Ju-on house as it reminded us of the 2003 Japanese horror/ghost movie JU-ON: THE GRUDGE. The light was on all day and night.

And during the last year and a half we haven't seen anyone entering or leaving the house.

When I first saw the photo I thought a man was leaping from the roof. I quickly realized it was a bronze sculpture as the photo was taken in the courtyard of the Asakura Choso Sculpture Museum in Yanaka, Tokyo. The Museum was the home and studio of famed sculptor Asakura Fumio (1883-1964). The photo was taken with a Holga and the dark effect created by processing Ektachrome film as print film-called cross processing.

Minggu, 16 Desember 2007

Okubo A Tokyo Neighborhood con't

I so enjoyed this neighborhood I went out every morning with my Holga camera and took pictures. This November Tokyo was very gray and overcast and I came to like how little contrast there was between the gray or tan apartment buildings and the sky. Photos taken with a Holga further enhance this look. Much different from the nearby neon spectacle that's Shinjuku at night.

The designs on the concrete walls, houses and apartment buildings add to the look and feel of the neighborhood.

A bit of color. A yellow van with a gorilla advertising curry or a yellow gorilla curry van??

Another house in Okubo. The greenery was a treat on this street.

An apartment building is being constructed which towers over this area of Okubo. However it was a good landmark when I ventured into the maze like streets and didn't know quite where I was.

Okubo A Tokyo Neighborhood

This November I visited Tokyo and stayed in the ethnically Korean area of Okubo which is one stop northwest of Shinjuku Station, one of the busiest stations in the world. Once off the main streets Okubo becomes a densely populated neighborhood which was quieter and where I saw less people than in my rural Vermont town.

A major road through Okubo. The Sobu line train is elevated in the background.

The smiling man seemed happy to have his picture taken.

The smiling man in the above photo watched over this workman.

A quiet street in Okubo on cardboard pick up day.

Please look in the mirror before turning right.