Weird double exposures and dark pictures are two surprises I've encountered when using a Holga camera. But just as creepy are the pictures of the house in Tokyo I took with a digital camera.

What happened to my dog? Is this his ghost or just a weird double exposure.

We called this the Ju-on house as it reminded us of the 2003 Japanese horror/ghost movie JU-ON: THE GRUDGE. The light was on all day and night.

And during the last year and a half we haven't seen anyone entering or leaving the house.

When I first saw the photo I thought a man was leaping from the roof. I quickly realized it was a bronze sculpture as the photo was taken in the courtyard of the Asakura Choso Sculpture Museum in Yanaka, Tokyo. The Museum was the home and studio of famed sculptor Asakura Fumio (1883-1964). The photo was taken with a Holga and the dark effect created by processing Ektachrome film as print film-called cross processing.